Alupanel Sandwich sheets

Aluminium Composite Panels


Signs, Furniture making, POS, Displays, Transport & Industrial Applications, Exhibition & Trade Stands, Domestic Walls & Suspended Ceilings, Wall Coverings, Partitions etc

Mirror finished sheet is virtually unbreakable and is recommended for safety where mirrors are used in any environment that children may be in. ( We also supply Polycarbonate Mirrors which are tougher and recover from bends of less than 45 degrees whereas ACP will stay bent.) Furniture can be constructed with ACP panels although a backing sheet is recommended.


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  • Sizes/ Uses/ Properties
  • Technical and Other Data
  • Colour Information

Product Availability

Max Sizes (NB: We cut to size from these)
Price Guide per Square Metre (Material Cost Only)
Sheets See below
2mm and 3mm

2440 x 1220mm

3050 x 1500mm

£20 to £150

White, White one side, Black, Cream (aka Ivory), Red, Medium & Dark Blue, Dark & Light Green, Yellow, Grey, Bronze Metallic, Silver, Brushed Copper, Brushed Gold, Brushed Aluminium and Mirror finish

Our colour range does change from time to time so please ask.

Key Properties

ALUPOL is a panel made from layers of plastic and aluminium with many uses. It comprises of approximately 0.3mm aluminium sheet on both sides of a tough plastic core. They come in a wide range of sizes & colours. They are coated with a thermoset polyester based paint which dries 20 microns thick. Normally one side has Satin finish and the other a 75% Gloss finish. Single side coated grades are available for economy.


  • No colour fading for many years.
  • Outstanding weather durability and low maintenance
  • Dimensionally stable at temperature extremes
  • Lightweight and rigid
  • Can be folded formed and cut easily
  • Can be printed on
  • Can be supplied to specified finish in bulk amounts for many PAL & Pantone colours & metallics effects


  • Painted surface
  • Difficult to repair

Chemical Name

None - This is thin aluminium sheets over a plastic core.


Durability, low maintenance, lightweight, rigid, varied colours and effects.

Additional Information

Aluminium Composite Panels

Abbreviation: ACP

Density g/cm^3
Shrinkage %
UV Resistance
Transparency (% visible light transmission) %
H2O Absorption After 24 hours %
Maximum Continuous Working Temperature (Zero Tensile effect after 11 years)
Low °C
High °C
Very Low
Not a clear grade.
Hardness Shore D Mpa
Tensile Strength at Break Mpa
Elongation at Break %
Flexural Modulas Gpa
Toughness by Notched IZOD Impact at Room Temperature J/m
Fire Resistance LOI %
Dielectric Strength (Insulation Value) KV/mm thickness
As pencil hardness (HB)
Class: 1 BS476 Pt7
Class: 0 BS476 Pt6
Not suitable as insulator due to Aluminium sheet layer

Aluminium Plastic Composite Panels - Colours

The colours shown represent the closest match we can show on a website. They are not exact as lighting, reprographic methods and different producers cause considerable variation. If you want an exact match please send us a sample or colour reference number from the Pantone of RAL charts. If you need assistance with this please click here.

Please remember that not all colours are available in all thicknesses. Please ask us for current stock avaiability. Stocks cannot be reserved until they are paid for and the order placed on the factory.


Some manufacturers have Matt Finish on both sides others are Matt one side Gloss the other. Ask if it is important that you have one or the other please. Mill finish is usually uncoated Aluminium. It can get marked.

White - Like RAL 9016. White on both sides

White - Like RAL 9016. White 1 side Mill finish other. So lower cost
Blue - Like RAL 5022.
Red - Like RAL 3020.

Green - Like RAL 6024.
Dark Green -Like RAL 6005. Not always in stock.

Yellow - Like RAL 1023.
Cream - Like RAL 1015.

Grey - Like RAL 9006.
Black - Like RAL 9005.

Black Front side Grey Rear side. Difficult to photo.
Brushed Copper. Not always in stock

Brushed Aluminium.
Stainless Steel Look.

Brushed Gold. This looks more gold in reality.
These colours have been scanned electronically from photo images. They should not be used for critically colour matching.



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