Colour and Finishes
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We offer several more environmentally friendly alternatives to the "Foamed PVC" products.

Foamed PVC will give off very toxic "dioxins" when incinerated for waste for disposal. Please look at the top table below for environmental impact data and the table below that for a chart of available sizes.

All of the products below are used for similar applications. They are all suitable for vinyling and most types of digital and screen printing. Honeycomb and Foamed Polystyrene board are suitable for internal use but only Foamed PVC is suitable for outside use when thick enough to resist winds and fastened securely.

KEY: COST FACTOR: compares the prices roughly against 100. Obviously if you buy one sheet of 1 and 10 sheets of another the comparison is still true but the prices may have to change.

THE GREEN FACTOR: shows which we consider best and worst with the worst being 5.



Honeycomb Board Unique strong core of recycled natural kraftboard surfaced with white paper both sides.
under test
These are made from recycled kraft board surfaced with a white paper. After use they can be disposed of in the paper disposal bin and then repulped and used again. This is called cradle to cradle eco-friendly technology.
Foamed Polystyrene core board paper coated both sides & UV protected Fairly strong dense Foamed Polystyrene core board with flat white ( UV ) sunlight protected coated paper on both sides.
Varies by thickness
Its simple. These boards are not made of PVC so liberate no dioxins when burnt. They are a lot lighter so not suitable for signs in windy places but OK for internal signs and displays and great for bright prints. The are CFC free.
Standard PVC Foam Strong dense Foamed PVC core with flat white & coloured PVC surfaces both sides.
0.5 - 0.7


These are traditional PVC foamed boards and have good strength and printability. When they are disposed of by incineration they give off "Dioxins" one of the most toxic of chemicals known to man. We can stop this and at zero cost.
Forex PVC Foam Strong dense Foamed PVC core with flat white & coloured PVC surfaces both sides.


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Acrylic (Perspex™) Sheet.
Acrylic Rods, Tubes & Fluorescent Colours.
Acrylic globes, domes, spheres, hemi-spheres & balls.
Acrylic blocks.
Acrylic display panels & support mounts.
Acrylic mounting blocks.
Acrylic blocks joined with magnets.
Multi wall Polycarbonate.
Foamed PVC panels.
Forex Smart & Foam X mounting sheets.
Polycarbonate sheets, rods, tubes.
Polycarbonate globes.
ABS sheets.
Aluminium Composite sheets.

PETG, APET, (Polyester) sheets.
Polyamide (Nylon) sheets & rods.  

Polyethylene (HDPE) sheets.
EcoPanels (Recycled LD Polyethylene) Low cost thick sheets.
Polypropylene sheets - over 2mm thick.
Polypropylene sheets - under 1.2mm thick.
Polystyrene (HIPS) including multi-colour thin sheets.
Polysulphone, PEI, PEEK sheets.
PVC Solid sheets. (Cladding etc) 2mm to 12mm.
PVC Low Density Rigid Foam sheets.
PVC Forex Smart & Foam X sheets.
PVC Thin Flexible sheets from 0.140mm to 2mm.
Thin Plastic sheets - Polypropylene, PVC.
UHMWPE Polyethylene 1000.
Globes, Domes, Balls, Hemi-spheres.


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